- City Manager
- City Council
Boards and Commissions
- Airport Advisory Board
- Board of Appeals
- Claremont Arts, History, and Culture Resources Preservation Commission
- Claremont Community Television Board of Directors
- Claremont Development Authority
- Claremont Housing Authority Commission
- Claremont Planning Board
- Claremont Police Commission
- Conservation Commission
- Energy Advisory Committee
- Fiske Free Library Board of Trustees
- Frances J. Tolles Home Board of Trustees
- Historic District Commission
- Licensing Board
- Mt. Ascutney Region River Subcommittee
- Parks and Recreation Commission
- Personnel Advisory Board
- Policy Committee
- Steering Committee For EPA Multipurpose Grant
- Tax Increment Finance District Advisory Board
- Trustees of Trust Funds
- Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission
- Zoning Board of Adjustment
- Departments
- Master Plan
- Procurement Opportunities (Bids)
- Municipal Codes and Ordinances

Claremont Planning Board
The Claremont Planning Board is responsible for reviewing development of the master plan, and for reviewing development proposals through the site plan, special permit, and subdivision processes.
Term: 3 Years
Meeting Schedule: 2nd & 4th Monday of every month at 6:30 PM at City Hall
Appointments made by: City Council
2025 Planning Board Meeting Schedule
Solar Ordinance (Adopted 7/28/2021)
Solar Ordinance_Appendix A
Solar Ordinance_Appendix B
First and foremost, I am a wife, mom, and nana. I have been married to my wonderful hubby, Denis Matteau, for nearly 40 years. We live in the Bluff area and have owned our home for over 25 years. I have two adult children whom I am very proud of. My daughter, Danielle, oversees programs and events for the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated with her Masters in non-profit leadership in May. She and her husband, Jim, live in Delaware. My son, Jeffrey is an RN and works with the elderly and he and his husband, Chad, live in Windsor with my grandson, Brayden (who is five and is the absolute light of my life...if you're a grandparent, you get this!). For 24 years, I have served as the General Manager of a successful property management firm headquartered in downtown Claremont. I design and manage a $2.5 million budget, making all fiscal decisions. We have 150 residential rental units, and another 40 commercial rental units, some in Claremont and some in Florida. I love Claremont. I feel blessed to be able to live here!
Nicholas J. Koloski is 4th generation Claremont native. Koloski has been a member of the local business community since the age of 15. He wears many hats to include restaurateur, call firefighter for the City, volunteer firefighter in VT, NH based location manager/scout, and film producer/location producer. Koloski also provides location scouting services to ABC New NY and has Location Produced for PBS. Prior public service includes a 3-year term on the New Hampshire Film Commission as well as a member of a Governors Task Force on the Recruitment and Retention of a Younger Workforce in which he represented the creative economy. Currently, he is serving his 6th 2-year term as a Claremont City Councilor and has served on many local boards and commissions.