Awarded Opportunities

RFP: DPW - 2023 Paving Projects

City of Claremont
Request for Proposal
2023 Paving Projects 
The City of Claremont, New Hampshire, is accepting Bid Proposals for their 2023 roadway paving projects to be completed no later than October 15th, 2023. 
Sealed proposals must be received no later than Monday, May 22, 2023 @ 10:00 AM, by the Office of the City Manager, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont NH 03743.  All proposals must be sealed in an envelope clearly marked “DPW- 2023 PAVING PROJECTS”.  Bid Proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud.  At this point the bids are public knowledge.
PROJECT DETAILS:  The City’s summer roadway paving project which includes Sections of North Street from Hanover Street Intersection to Washington Street, Chestnut Street from Juniper Hill to Urban Compact Line (see attached maps), may include one or a combination of the following tasks with descriptions listed below that the contractor shall follow:
o Initial Grinding - Existing pavement surfaces shall be ground to a depth of approximately 1 ½” deep, for an estimated 3,150 square yards, total of 3,150’ in length and 21’ in width on North Street.  
o All pavement saw cutting may be completed after grinding operations.  All 3” or larger asphalt chunks that are not ground shall be removed from the site by the contractor and disposed of at the DPW prior to paving.  Bidder to haul millings to 8 Grandview Street, Claremont, NH.
o Will need to do water, sewer and drainage improvements. DPW expects to have utility work completed soon after grinding.
o To match all existing pavement depth.  This item is subsidiary to all other work on the project.
o On all saw cut joints and curb. Apply a uniform coating of emulsion joint adhesive to the exterior surfaces of raised sewer manhole covers and raised drainage structures as well as the area between the milled or existing surfaces and new asphalt before paving, as applicable (excludes paver leveling courses). 
o Remove sand, grit, and debris material from the surface of each roadway prior to paving or applying emulsion.  This task is subsidiary to all other work on the projects.
o 1 ½” wearing course as applicable, using ½” hot mix asphalt (machine method), on North Street. Pavement shall be furnished and installed in accordance with all applicable NHDOT Standards and Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction, latest edition with all revisions.  
o 3” shim on 150’ portion of outbound lane and 1 ¼” overlay using ½” hot mix asphalt (machine method), on Chestnut Street. Pavement shall be furnished and installed in accordance with all applicable NHDOT Standards and Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction, latest edition with all revisions.  
o The driveways will need to match both road and existing driveway pavement grade. Length of apron to be determined on site.  This item will be paved under hand method paving. Aprons will need to be saw cut and matched grade. Adjustments in length may need to be made for proper drainage.
o To be completed by others, if any.
o The Contractor shall provide all signage and/or traffic control flaggers that may be necessary to conduct daily paving operations in a safe manner and for the safety of the traveling public.  Flaggers could be used as needed and paid as a separate line item. 
o The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect all work that is in progress which includes, but is not limited to work that is not complete and/or that has not been accepted by the City.
o Mobilization and demobilization is paid as lump sum.
o The Contractor who is awarded the City’s paving project shall be responsible for conducting and completing all paving work.  The names and qualifications of all subcontractors proposed by the Contractor shall be provided for approval by the Director. 
o The Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning up all excess pavement that is left from cleaning out trucks and equipment and for cleaning and removing of all other project related debris from the City rights-of-way.  Miscellaneous work and cleanup shall be completed prior to final payment for all projects.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  The Contractor shall provide unit costs for each project material listed, and shall provide the total project cost, as well as the individual attached Bid Proposal forms.  The unit cost for each respective material shall be the all-inclusive cost to furnish and install the item.  This Bid Proposal form will be in the Contract that is signed by the City for the Contractor that is selected for the Project.  No other Bid Proposal, Contract, or Agreement forms shall be considered by the City for this project, unless prior approval is received in writing from the Director. 
A nominal fee of two-hundred dollars ($200) per day will be assessed for each day beyond the October 15th, 2023   deadline.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, either in whole or in part; to waive any defects, informalities, and/or minor irregularities in proposal responses.  The City reserves the right to accept substitutions or exceptions to the proposed materials ONLY if authorization is provided to the contractor in writing prior to the submission of his/her Bid Proposal.  
The City reserves the right to select the proposal or proposals that are determined by the City to be in its best interest.  
Any questions should be directed to Ted Wadleigh, Assistant Director, via e-mail at
Responses to questions will be provided to all contacts via e-mail and on the City’s website, under Procurement Opportunities.  

Submission Deadline: May 22, 2023


Bid Tabulation

Award Notice

Contact Information

Public Works
Ted Wadleigh, DPW Assistant Director |