Awarded Opportunities

RFQ - Ecological Inventory of Certain City-Owned Parcels

City of Claremont


Consultant for Ecological Inventory of Certain City-owned Parcels


Request for Qualifications for

The City of Claremont, New Hampshire’s Conservation Commission seeks proposals from qualified consultants for completion of an ecological inventory of five (5) City-owned parcels of land within the Cat Hole Ecologically Significant Area.

Scope of Work:

The City of Claremont owns five (5) parcels of land totally 375 acres on or near Cat Hole Road.  According to the 2013 Natural Resources Inventory, these parcels are located in the Cat Hole Ecologically Significant Area (ESA).  The Cat Hole ESA is significant because it contains the:

  • Largest intact forest associated with a large unfragmented block (48,723 acres) extending beyond Claremont boundary
  • Most diverse wildlife habitat aggregation providing excellent habitat connectivity
  • Largest high ranked wetland complex (high functionality for ecological integrity and wildlife habitat, maintaining water quality, high flood storage value)
  • Largest aggregation of high ranked wetlands
  • High quality headwater streams to Redwater Brook
  • Numerous signs of multiple focal species (moose, bear, mink, red-tailed hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, grouse)
  • Largest intact hardwood forest
  • Identified in WAP as containing highest ranked habitat

The City is interested in developing a management plan that will balance the existing and proposed recreational uses of these parcels with the ecologically significant attributes of them.  A detailed ecological inventory of these parcels is necessary to achieve this goal.

The inventory should:

  • identify all significant natural resources on these parcels;
  • describe activities that would be most detrimental to them, either seasonally or year-round;
  • provide maps of the identified resources;
  • recommend appropriate management techniques to balance recreational uses with preservation of sensitive resources.


A complete proposal packet must include:

  • Resume and three references;
  • Plan and timeframe for completing the requested tasks;
  • Anticipated fees for services provided.

Submissions should include a separately sealed firm fixed fee to complete the project.  Fee should include staff hour and task breakdown with reimbursable expenses.  Consultants should estimate one on-site meeting with City Staff and 3 subsequent conference calls.  The project will consist of a draft report and one final submission. 


Qualification Statements are due on April 19, 2023 at 2:00 PM and shall be mailed to City Manager’s Office, 58 Opera House Square, Claremont NH 03743 with “Consulting Services for Cat Hole Assessment” on the envelope.  It is anticipated a contract will be signed and the project completed within 14 days.  The CONSULTANT will be required to enter into a standard contract with the City of Claremont.  The City reserves the right to negotiate with the selected CONSULTANT regarding variation to the original RFQ, Contract, and Cost, if deemed to be in the best interest of the City to do so.  The City reserves the right to waive any item, which in the opinion of the City is an informality. The City has the right to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or in part if it is deemed to be in the City’s interest to do so. For additional information please contact the City Planner, deForest Bearse at (603) 504-0341 or


Submission Deadline: April 19, 2023


Contact Information

Planning and Development
deForest Bearse, City Planner |